Jasmine is fragrant and beautiful
Artichokes grow well in San Francisco.
Lots of edibles do better if started in trays
Winter and early spring is a great time to cut away unwanted growth
A hori hori knife (gardening knife) is a great gardening tool
Spinach grows well in San Francisco
Kale will grow year round in the Bay Area
With a little shade and minimal water, Calla Lilies do well
Try to grow your own garlic
If you don't have time to water, install drip irrigation
If you have enough sun, try to grow peppers

All around the city, you can see gardens coming to life. It's time you get your self out there and get one going for yourself. Take advantage of all this rain and sunshine we're having, sow some seeds and get those plants going. Browse these pics, see some edibles and others that grow well in SF-it'll leave you wanting to get your hands dirty.