"Eco Pop-Up" to Combat Dolores Park's Wicked Trash Problem

"Eco Pop-Up" to Combat Dolores Park's Wicked Trash Problem


The trash situation at Dolores Park is 7,000-gallon-per-weekend problem, with 65-percent of those left-behind craft beer bottles, Bi-Rite sandwich wrappers, and rum-drenched young coconuts being perfectly recyclable and compostible. SF Rec and Park is fighting back, with an "Eco Pop-Up" pilot program launching in Dolores Park this Saturday. And thank the lord, because what Monday morning would be complete without a Facebook feed full of complaints from Mission-Dolores residents griping (rightfully so) about all the junk strewn about? Like this one from a friend of 7x7: 

if a 7pm Sunday walk through Dolores Park is any indicator, "hipsters" or "bro's" are being unfairly maligned on the trash front, because there is plenty of blame to go around demographic-wise. one guy who kinda resembled Snoop Dog parked along Dolores was throwing pieces of trash OUT of his car piece by piece, wadded up paper, crumpled cigarette packs, etc., etc. i brought it up with him. he got very defensive. and then belligerent, "what fucking business is it of yours?" ----> my reply, "I LIVE HERE that's why its my business," and kept walking. he looked pretty comic from a distance as he continued to vent in an apoplectic manner.

The Eco Pop-Up is being unveiled today at Dolores Park, just in time all the pre-420ers to hand over their edibles packaging to pop-up staff and volunteers who "will separate beverage containers, pizza boxes and other picnic discards into separate metal bins designated for recycling, compost, and trash." If this seems like we're being handheld, we are, and honestly, it's kind of embarrassing—in a city with some of the most environmentally conscious peeps in the country, we can't manage to toss our own trash? (Apparently, when you spend all day getting stoned in the sun, popping your own PBR cans in the blue bin can be a challenge. We get it). But at least now all this won't have to go in landfill:

The pop-up will be open from noon to 8pm on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, and no doubt the local businesses are thrilled. Bi-Rite owner Sam Mogannam is among the folks pleading for the cleanup, saying: 

“My family and our businesses have been neighbors to Dolores Park for more than 50 years. As part of our commitment to keeping the park clean, safe, and beautiful for everyone, we are calling on our guests, neighbors, merchants, and visitors to join us and do the right thing with park waste. Sort out your trash, pack it up, and leave the park cleaner than you found it. Please join us to ensure a bright future of Dolores Park for the next fifty years, and more.”

Now you've heard it from the king of Bi-Rite. Do the guy a solid. After all, he gave us salted caramel. And, to learn more about Mogannam, check out his "Flavor Profile" here

(Photo by Laura Flippen)

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