This weekend, hoardes of all your friends, enemies and frenemies will flood Golden Gate Park for the fifth epic year of SF's behemoth musical undertaking, Outside Lands. This makes for one hell of a cluster-f, so naturally, we got to wondering just what it takes to put it all together. Here's what our pals at Another Planet Entertainment told us in terms of numbers.
Compost and recycled materials collected: 78 tons
Bikes parked in the special bike parking section: 9,000
Expected attendees: 195,000
People working the festival: 2,500
Cases of wine at Wine Lands: 1,000
Port-a-potties: 600
Expected celebrity guests: 15
Press outlets in attendance, including journalists from Mexico, Canada, Japan, Taiwan, and Austria: 300
Tour buses for all the bands combined: 38
Jumbotrons: 2
Food items available for consumption: 200. Which of course will mean many, many thousands of pounds of food being served.