Set your Gmail calendar on alert: On Friday, October 8, the city's top restaurants, from Benu to Delfina, Bar Jules to SPQR, are participating in a sort of Brown Bag Lunch mob. The SFC Brown Bag Lunch Project is a fundraiser for San Francisco Community School (7x7 editor Sara Deseran's a committee member as well as parent)—a progressive K–8 public school in the Excelsior—and its functioning as online auction.
How does it work? Starting this coming Monday, from September 20–24, friends and coworkers can get together to bid on these fanciful brown bag lunches for six. SPQR will be whipping up a suckling pig sandwich with roasted tomato, while Piperade is serving up an albacore escabeche. Chez Papa Resto is ending their lunch with homemade pixie sticks, if that doesn't bring out the child within.
Winners will be alerted and then on October 8th, the lunches can be picked up at noon sharp. Details are here. Make it a casual Friday like you've never had before. Some of the restaurants are even providing wine. Don't tell your boss.