On Tuesday, we tackled a WOD, starting with squats at 45 – 55% and finishing with a 9-minute AMRAP circuit. Translation: it was hard to sit down on Wednesday. While you may not speak CrossFit, the language barrier won’t hinder you from getting an exhausting, full body workout at CrossFit Golden Gate.
We knew very little about CrossFit when we started, despite the seemingly endless status updates on Facebook. You know the ones. In fact, I’m certain I introduced myself to Head Coach Danielle as “Hi, I’m ‘new, never done CrossFit before’ Erica.” I thought it was necessary to immediately establish my newb status as we watched the previous class rack their weight plates, stack their boxes, and high five each other with chalk-covered hands.
“We have a very tight-knit community. Everyone knows each other. You are guaranteed to come in and get a great workout, but I think what most people don’t expect is the connections you’ll make in the process,” Danielle shared. Since its inception in 2012, CrossFit Golden Gate recently relocated from its original SoMa location to a larger facility on VanNess, a move that—despite new commutes—was supported by its dedicated members. “CrossFit isn’t just a workout; you can always improve on these skills, movements and techniques, and in the meantime improve on strength and fitness.” At the core of CrossFit, Danielle explained, are simple, proven movements that engage the entire body to accomplish them. Over the course of the next hour, we were about to learn first-hand how accurate she was.
Our fate was scribbled out on the whiteboard in the form of that day’s WOD (Workout of the Day). Starting with squats, we worked through a sequence of 2-5 reps, each set increasing in weight based on a prescribed percent of your “one rep max.” Danielle explained, as you train over time, you understand what 45-55% effort is versus 55-65%. While my fiancé was transported back to his college rugby lifting days and took to the math like a duck to water, I had to tinker around with the weights a bit to find the sweet spot between too little resistance and vein-in-the-forehead difficulty. Danielle was right there with me, helping me connect with my body’s capabilities and coaching me through each movement to make sure everything was being done safely and efficiently.
Our AMRAP challenge (As Many Rounds as Possible) consisted of 3 pull-ups, 6 power cleans, and 12 box jumps. What felt manageable on the first round quickly evolved to a very sweaty and shaky nine minutes. If this form of lifting is not a routine part of your workout, it’s essential you have an observant and patient coach to correct your form. Our experience would have not been nearly as enjoyable without the trainer’s encouragement and patience. Danielle nicely offered I modify the pull-ups to rows, and stack weight plates for a lower box jump. As they counted down the minutes in the AMRAP challenge, I suddenly realized I had lost count of my completed rounds. I doubt my number would have challenged the whiteboard leaders, but completing our first CrossFit WOD was an accomplishment in itself.
“There’s nothing more rewarding than helping others achieve health and fitness goals, and seeing people learn new skills,” Danielle explained. Now it was my turn to rack my weights, send up chalk clouds with high fives, and do my best non-newbie impression as we walked out past the next class as they stared at the acronym-filled whiteboard. While my fiancé gushed over how good it felt to throw weights around again, I was secretly thinking about what CrossFit lingo I could impress in my next Facebook status.
CrossFit Golden Gate is located at 1940 Van Ness Avenue. Drop in classes are $25 with series and monthly memberships available at a discount.
- Wear comfortable clothing for stretching, lifting, jumping, etc.
- If new to CrossFit, consider a t-shirt or layer that will cover your neck and shoulders until you get used to the bar during squats.
- If you want to fully embrace the CrossFit culture, rock the signature high socks!