The Perfect Martini Glass


We recently sat down with designers Philip Wood of CITIZEN:Citizen and Becka Citron to discuss the perfect martini glass.  We set up shop at B Restuarant and Bar, where Don Harbison mixed what he thought was the perfect cocktail for each specific glass.  From the ridiculously inexpensive to the jaw-dropping three figures, each glass is very different and brings something unique to your tabletop (or party!).

1.  Phases martini glass from Rosenthal, $245 each
We like that the glass is unconventional and opaque, and how it really makes you consider the color and contents of the cocktail you'll put it in. 

2.  Club Barware from Sagaform, $30 for a set of 4
They're not top heavy, and have a short and wider base, which means they're great for a party (no need to worry about them pushing over).

3.  Gem martini glass from CB2, $4.95 each
This is the ultimate cocktail drinking glass, as it holds 12.5 ounces.  Make sure you mix in an equal amount of of non-alcoholic contents, or else you're looking at quite the hangover the following morning.

4.  Mini martini glass from Crate & Barrel, $1.95 each
There's a crassness about the scale of the other glasses, but not these.  The small size is great, and would be perfect if you wanted to taste test cocktails.

5.  Inside Out martini glass from Charles and Marie, $55 for a set of two
They're a bit difficult to hold, but we all agree that they're the perfect glass for a classic martini. 

To read more and see photos of all the cocktails, visit sallyTV.

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