Welcome to the Kitty Personals, where eager furry friends put their hearts on the line while they seek their perfect human match. Each month, we'll spotlight a highly adoptable dog or cat that is currently available at the San Francisco SPCA. Read their stories, fall in love, and go adopt! Today, feast your eyes on the fabulous Elsa.
Hi, my name is Elsa! I’m named after the Snow Queen (yep, that one—just let it go) because of my strong exterior and warm, buttery heart. You’ll love petting my thick, snowy white coat. It’s like wearing a luxurious, velvet robe, and I have no problem sharing the warmth. I'm a born sophisticat, even at my youthful age (I'm not even 2 years old yet!). People marveled at what a “poised” and “regal” kitten I was. Come on, humans—not all kittens behave in the unseemly way of those cat video embarassments.
I will say that on occasion, I like to channel my inner kitten, although I find it far more liberating being a charming and lovely lady. Just call me Grace Kelly. But I really like to play—as long as I can reach the funny, faux mouse tail from where I’m sitting, which is no doubt somewhere super comfy. I swear I’m into it; it’s just this fab chair of yours is so beautiful, why can I move? It’s not my fault you have great taste.
Check out the video of me playing, which may or may not involve me lying down.
Meet Elsa at the San Francisco SPCA Mission Campus Adoption Center. 415-522-3500, 250 Florida Street.