Link Love: Remembering Nads, Granny Cap Hate, Undies Getting Smaller


Good reads from our feeds....

Will anyone else out there admit to ordering Nads back in the day (because we just know you didn’t get suckered into a Flowbee)? Talk about a depilatory debacle. Delve into that and other hair-related infomercial fads of the past on Jezebel this week.

The Coveted points to the gradient nail art of UK-based Sophy Robson. What do you think?

Vena Cava shows us how to merge goth sensibilities and energy-saving, eco-consciousness on your desktop.

We’re hooked on the back-and-forth drama between blogs Agent Lover and Chicken Dinner Candybar. When the latter featured the former in a post entitled, “Fat Love Friday,” sparks flew and started a fiery debate among the bloggers and their respective readers about the etiquette of giving big girls props for their bodies and style sense.

Also pissed off in the blogosphere this week is Fashion Orbit, who has a serious problem with granny caps.

While Americans keep getting bigger, it seems their collective undergarments are getting smaller, which begs the very important question, are nipple covers the new bras? In covering this topic and many more in its intimates issue released today, WWD reminds us that it’s what’s underneath it all that really counts.

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