#TBT: 10 Songs About San Francisco (That Aren't by Tony Bennett), 1850-1977
In 1977, the Village People had a hit with "San Francisco, You've Got Me."

#TBT: 10 Songs About San Francisco (That Aren't by Tony Bennett), 1850-1977


At some point we've all sung along to Scott Mackenzie's hippie anthem, "If You're Going to San Francisco," and to Tony Bennett's "I Left My Heart in San Francisco," but there are several tunes that pay tribute to our Paris of the West.

Take a listen and learn the lyrics to these other songs about SF. And go ahead, sing along!

"Got the Date on the Golden Gate," Mel Tormé, 1957

Went for a walk on day alone
Down around the bay
I guess you could say that it was fate
How else could I have met my love
On the Golden Gate?

She strolled along the bridge, and she
Was the cutest pigeon, gee
Did you never palpitate?
Well, you'd have swooned to see her there
On the Golden Gate

I looked into her eyes
And foggy skies were clear
Just when I thought love was here
What a switch
Along came a Cadillac
It stopped and she got in back
Alas and alack, she had a date

I finally found the love I longed for too late
I have no gold and got the gate on the Golden Gate...

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